about me
Name: Jessica Kate Barker
Age: 22
Location: East Yorkshire
Undergraduate Degree: 2:1 BA Hons Degree, English (University of Lincoln)
Postgraduate Course: PGCE Secondary English (Bishop Grosseteste University)
Profession: Teacher
Academic Interests: Holocaust Studies, Studies into Children's Literature, Educational Studies
Siblings: One (Joe)
Pets: Three Cats (Tabitha, Felix, Molly)
Favourite Meal: Spaghetti Bolognese
Favourite Drink: Rumbull (Cocktail from Revolution)
Favourite Film: About Time
Favourite Book: Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl
Favourite Season: Autumn
Hobbies: Blogging, Scrap-booking, Photography

I began this blog in summer 2018, between finishing my undergraduate degree and starting my Postgraduate Certificate in Education. My first aim in creating it was to fill my spare time, it was a long summer and I found myself growing increasingly restless! I love writing and wanted to make sure I didn't lose the knack, so blogging seemed like a good solution. Having gone public with the page in late July, I was pleasantly surprised with all of the support and praise I received - and I continue to be very grateful for it!
I post on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's. The main focus of the blog is university - I share my personal experiences and offer top tips and advice, mainly for freshers, but also for pre-existing students! I feel like I have a lot of information to share and it's all fresh in my mind because I've only just finished the post-graduate experience, so I'd say it's an apt theme for the blog! I do venture out of the limitations of this theme though, writing about places I've visited, things I've enjoyed and people I love!
I intend to continue with my blogging endeavor for as long as I possibly can and I'm very open to requests, so please do take advantage of the "contact me" box above and send me a message! As well as enjoying writing the blog, I'm also interested in reading blogs, so if you have one, please get in touch and I will definitely give it a read! I'd love to make connections with other bloggers. If you want to keep up to date with the blog then please subscribe, it means a lot to me and allows me to understand my readership just that bit better!
Thank you for checking this out!