Having moved out of my student house just over a week ago, never to step foot in it again, it definitely feels official now that my days as an undergraduate student are over. As much as there are perks to living at home, I have to admit, I am starting to miss some aspects of Uni life. Here are a few things that you really need to make the most of if you're still a student!
1. The pace of uni life. I think living in at Uni allows for a particularly relaxed pace of life. Everybody around you is also undertaking a degree, you're all going through the same experience at the same time, you're in sync. I had such a good routine at Uni - comprising of lectures, seminars, workshops and (more importantly) cocktail dates, nights out, cinema trips and the occasional yoga class. Yes I had essays to write but by third year I was a pro at knowing when to start them and even how to go about writing them, it was my only responsibility too! I didn't have a job or anything else to concern myself with, just Uni life and my social life, which merged together wonderfully. I lived with English students, just like me, so we all went to and from lectures together. Nobody told me to get applying for jobs, or set me chores around the house, I just floated along in my own little world, doing things at my own pace and letting this match the lazy pace of those around me - it was mint.
2. The independence. Linking to my last point about having nobody there to tell me what to do, I could do whatever I wanted WHENEVER I wanted! Fancied some food late at night? I could order a takeaway. Wanted to go out drinking four days on the trot? Cool, so did everyone else! Wanted to run a bath after 10pm, go to the shop when it was dark out, eat everything OR nothing for breakfast, I could do it all! I was living independently, and now? Not so much. Living under your parents roof means living under their rules, it's a price that I'm willing to pay to be back home with my family, but I really do encourage you to make the most of the freedom Uni gives you while you can!
3. Living in a city. Going to the shop late at night and drinking out so frequently was a lot easier not only when I wasn't lodging at my parents, but also when I lived within close proximity to a shop and a bar! Village life is cute, quaint and undeniably community-driven - which I LOVE - but it's so restrictive too. If I want to go anywhere I most likely have to wait an hour for the bus, which stops running at 6pm by the way, or bribe my brother with a McDonalds to get him to give me a lift! There's always something going on in a city, and I miss that a lot.
4. Being surrounded by friends. It's good that there are always things going on in your Uni city, but it's even better that you have friends to enjoy these things with! You all live in one big apartment block, or you're just a couple of streets away from each other, you can meet up whenever and it's not a problem at all. Enjoy that while it lasts because soon you'll be miles away from your uni mates and meeting up as a big group will no doubt be near enough impossible!
5. Living close to my boyfriend. I met my boyfriend at Uni and never lived more than a fifteen minute walk from him. I could, and very often did, see him every single day. Don't get me wrong, sometimes the close proximity can be a little too much, and Uni is a great place for everyone and anyone to try and get involved in your relationship, but at least you have access to each other all the time. For all the arguments there are hundreds of happy moments spent in each others company! Now my boyfriend's 188 miles away and as much as it's something we've adapted to over the last three summers, it's not easy being so far apart and living such separate lives. Miss you Matt, see you soon - hopefully :(
Like I say, if you're still at Uni or are embarking upon Uni this year, really make the most of the positives of student living - you'll miss them once they're gone!