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Jessica Barker

We are at the end of yet another week post-placement, and this one has been fairly busy!

Monday 24th June 2019 - Last Day at University

Monday was my last day at BGU and I have to admit, I was surprised at how sorry I was to be saying goodbye! I spent three years at the University of Lincoln, but only had a maximum of six contact hours per week - and this dropped down dramatically by third year. When I left undergraduate, I didn't feel as emotional as you might think. I was done with communal living, I knew that I would be studying in the city for another year so it wasn't like I was never going back, and I was very much excited to be returning home. Despite being at BGU for just one year, I do feel much more emotional to be graduating this time around. This marks the end of my time in Lincoln, which is sad in itself, but I also feel like I have worked so hard this year, it's a huge accomplishment to gain a PGCE! I did work for my degree but it wasn't nearly as grueling, and to have made it to the end of this course and be finishing as an Outstanding teacher is something I'm super proud of. As excited as I am for what's to come in the future, I am also very sad to be leaving my own education behind, as I go forward and provide others with the right to be educated. So thank you BGU for the last year, as much as I've struggled, it all felt worth it on this day. It's been tough, but since when is anything worth having easy to obtain, right?

Shout-out to Maisie. We met on the very first night of Freshers 2015 and I was certain she was a mature student, she seemed to have more wisdom than I could ever dream of, and seemed so settled when the rest of us were finding our feet. That's just who she is. Maisie has been a constant force for good in my life for over three years now, and I am so grateful to have started and ended this teacher training journey with her. I hope we maintain the friendship we have forged, and I expect we will - though she is bloody hard to get in contact with. I know she's going to make the weirdest and most wonderful teacher out of the lot of us, and the children of Lincoln are fortunate to have her. Love you Maisie!

The morning of our last day was spent in our subject groups, going over the new OFSTED framework and finishing our ERPD's (basically a document that holds all of the evidence for our teacher training, the proof that we haven't just taken a year off). Then we went through and met as a full cohort, which is when we delivered gifts to our tutor, Kate. I met Kate a year again when I began the Skills Enhancement Course, and my first impression was My God.... This woman is enthusiastic! I still think that of her now. Kate has pushed us to be the very best that we can be, as well as being a shoulder to cry on and source of support. I'm very grateful for all of her help this year and it was lovely to see how emotional she was to be receiving our gifts!

After a final talk we were free to mingle and enjoy a free buffet lunch, above you can see Maisie with a friend from one of her placements. It was a nice opportunity to say goodbye to everybody and do some socialising, but we took that one step further and later a small group of us headed to the pub!

We were out from 3pm to 3am, what a way to mark the end of a very stressful year!! The next morning I woke up after three hours sleep and got myself on a half past seven train so I could return to the comfort of my own bed. I actually didn't have a nap, but just lounged about and rested up before going to York College in the evening to check out the Open Day.

Lots of you will know that my brother Joe dropped out of university last Easter, despite doing exceptionally well in his first year, and has now opted to begin a vocational course at the college where he will be studying music production. I'm really proud of him for choosing his own path and not just following the herd, and I hope he enjoys the next two years of study, it looks like he will!


On Wednesday I visited Hull with my parents for a day of business mixed with pleasure. We had a bit of a shopping spree and then I went over to the school I will be working at in September to finalise my contract there! There was a point this year when I doubted that I would finish the course, and then I was determined that even if I did, I certainly wouldn't be going into teaching. Thanks to my return to my first placement school, I now feel much more optimistic about teaching and look forward to beginning my career in September.

After my day in Hull, I met up with my friend from college, PB. We went to Spoons for a good ol' catch up and I'm hoping to see him again throughout the summer, though he looks a little more thug-like now after getting an army-style buzzcut (at least it'll raise his street cred?)


Thursday was very relaxed, I had a couple of things left to do on the eRPD so I wizzed through them, and then spent much of the day resting up ahead of my very first game of cricket. Some of my family have been watching the cricket world cup and have been inspired to start playing themselves, and because I'm looking to shift a few pounds before graduation, I decided to join them. You'll see below my dad, donning his umpires hat (and looking a little ghostly because he covered himself in sun cream). I was absolutely rubbish and didn't get a single run, but I actually still enjoyed playing and felt good to be doing something active! So much so that I returned again the following afternoon and finally managed to get some runs! I think I'm slowly improving, so watch out, by the end of the season I could be a professional... just watch this space.


Other than playing cricket in the afternoon, I also went to the cinema on Friday with my brother. We went to see Yesterday, which unfortunately, neither of us were that impressed with. We agreed that the concept of the film was great, but it wasn't executed in a way that either of us really appreciated.The humour was a little bit cringe, the plot revolved around a love story that was just too predictable, and Lily James' character had no autonomy whatsoever... not great. I have heard other people say very positive things about the film though, so just because it wasn't to our taste doesn't mean to won't be to yours! I guess you've got to see for yourself, but my recommendation would be to wait until it appears in the Sky Store, rather than making the trip out to watch it.

So we didn't really like the film, but we did enjoy the arcade at Xscape! We had forty minutes to kill so played air hockey, basketball and then Joe got the top three records on this piano game and won 345 tickets (which somehow STILL wasn't enough for any prize worth having).

I like doing things with Joe, we don't often hang out together but whenever we do, we have fun. Despite being very different, we have some things in common!


Starting Saturday the right way with some American style pancakes, strawberries and lots of golden syrup - YUM. It was my cheat day so I was determined it make the most of it and indulge in lots of tasty food, recipe to follow because these were so good!

After eating breakfast outside on the decking, I spent much of the rest of the day out here enjoying the sunshine. We put the paddling pool out so Mum and I could dip our toes in while enjoying a Malibu! We had pizza and chips for tea from the take away, played a few board games and made the most of the good weather while we had the chance.

This is my adopted cat, Chauncey. He came to visit us and made himself comfortable on the patio furniture - much to Mum's dismay.


The last day of my second week post-placement. The weather wasn't as lovely as it had been the day before but we had already planned to have a BBQ, so we went ahead and braved the winds. I didn't get any photographs, mainly because I was the one cooking it all, but it was delicious and the perfect end to a somewhat busy week!

This week I have yet another trip to Lincoln on the cards, one more induction day at my new school, and a few minor outings in the works. Keep your eyes peeled for Wednesday's post, detailing the recipe for those American style pancakes (SO easy to make and really tasty!)

As always, thank you for giving it a read.


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